HR Case : GOGL for Employees
A brief summary of the main rationales / evidence / opportunities for business and / or employees to access GOGL.
Get our full Trends Report here.

The Known Cost of DA
The Hidden Costs
It is estimated that 1 in 5 adults (1 in 4 women) are victims of DA.
put in context: 1,000 long-term staff might include 200 with DA history (a productivity cost of £1.4m).
However, we know these figures are likely an underestimate due to large scale under-reporting and that many DA victims go on to have long-term mental health issues.

Wellbeing Obligations
There is an increasing obligation on businesses to meet the wellbeing needs of staff - both from the UK government but also from staff themselves. DA is increasingly considered a wellbeing need, to be met by organisations.
Current solutions vs GOGL
Get Out Get Love is self-delivered, independently accessed, long-term and can cost less than 1% of the known productivity output cost per staff member, and 5% of alternative solutions (1 to 1 therapy etc).
See our evidence here and more about the programme.​​
*recommended by EIDA and DA Education
For additional corporate resources, see EIDA resource page here.

How to get GOGL for your staff: your options.
1. Refer your staff to us
Employees can get a 10% discount on the whole programme (single payment option) with the coupon code workwell
*discount applies to full bundle single payment option only
Download our flyer with the QR code link and discount code to send to your staff.
​2. Buy licenses for employees
Alternatively companies can purchase up to 100 licenses for £30 per person (60% off RRP) for your HR / Wellbeing team to offer to staff.
Need more than 100?
Contact us to discuss further discounts for bulk