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Image by Mitchell Hartley

Get what we all want... power, freedom &

From abusive ex to

personal understanding, control and a whole new approach to your life!

Anchor 1

A powerful journey that replaces shame, guilt and fear...

with a feeling of Power and Self-Worth!

Experience BIG changes in how you feel & live!

The golden 'Aha' realisations

Repeated moments where your past makes sense, your ex makes sense and your recovery makes sense.  We call them 'Aha' moments, they feel both a relief and empowering.

A true sense of closure & freedom

With the journey comes closure on your past relationship - shame, guilt, fear, regret... all gone!

Self-worth, love, esteem...

Whatever you call it.. that feeling of being valuable, knowing what you need and meeting those needs!

"Wow, wow wow. GOGL is so powerful and such food for thought!"


(more testimonials)

What you get in the programme?

A complete journey

100s of lessons including recorded audio (100+), written exercises, specialist meditations, journalling...

...all based on psychological approaches known to be effective.
The only known programme to cover the whole journey from escape to self-worth.


True Change, not a short term fix

Designed to take time - to guide you over a long period (6 months plus) to understand yourself and your past, to manage your emotions and thoughts and to feel empowered.

Small steps make a long journey

Book cover and app for get out get love programme

designed for mobile phone or desktop access


Delivered in short 15-minute (or less) lessons that you return to as often as you need to.  Easy to digest and designed not to overwhelm you!

"I don’t think that GOGL can replace one to one, personalised face to face therapy but it is certainly the next best thing!"


(more testimonials)

Purchase options

Explore the options below

30 days money back.png

Programme contents

  • 100+ Evidence-Based Audio Lessons all from the founder (Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Dr Craig Newman).

  • Embedded compassionate mind course

  • Meditations Designed specifically for those healing after abuse

  • Rescue resources to help you at times of known crisis

  • Monthly Q&A Podcast where the founder answers user questions

  • Live events with the founder and/or expert Psychologist.

  • Self-paced, long-term journey - with resources you can use as and when you need to.

For those who prefer to read...

For those who prefer to read, or want an even more affordable option.


Get Out Get Love, the self-help book, will be published into the UK (July 2023) and US (October 2023).  

You can pre-order your copy here.


A programme you can trust!

Created by a uniquely experienced clinician

Degree in Psychology (BSc Hons)

4 years

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

3 years

Doctorate in Behavioural Economics

4 years

Training in Family Therapy, ACT, PTSD, CBT...

10+ years

Years of therapist and coach experience

22+ years

Clients worked with in clinical settings

4,000 +

Personal experience of abusive relationships


Why GOGL is special

Based on an internationally published book

Based on Psychological theories

Informed by personal & clinical experience

Used by abuse charity sector

Complimentary to use alongside therapy

The only long-term digital solution on offer

Supported by government funding

A huge toolkit for you!

A rich journey of content, including:


  • 100+ spoken recorded sessions from the founder (Dr Newman)... crafted as a journey you take at your own pace.

  • Free access to GOGL Buddy App, putting the most helpful resources at your fingertip.

  • 100 + Reflective exercises.

  • Meditations developed specifically for GOGL.

  • Regular writings from the founder or guests.

  • Monthly Q&A podcasts with the founder.

  • Exclusive invites to live webinars (subscribers only).

  • Full access to the platform - a resource for you, when you need it.



Sample & No Risk Sign Up

Take the guesswork out of how GOGL can help you... here are 2 ways to experience it.


1. Listen to a sample

A small sample of what you can expect in the programme:



ACT 1.1 Waking from a dreamDr Newman
00:00 / 03:13
ACT 1.2 Hooked on Abuse 1Dr Newman
00:00 / 06:31

2. Free 7 Day Trial

All of our pricing plans have a 7 day trial, with full access to the 1st week of the programme.  Explore and manage your subscription easily from this site or our app.

3. Our 30 Day Money Back Promise

Try GOGL for 30 days and if you really don’t think it’s for you we will refund your purchase.  (5% transaction fee deducted).


Image by Marivi Pazos

 GOGL has been invaluable to me.  
Thank you for your guiding hand

Image by christian buehner

If only I’d had access to this when I was in the midst of my toxic relationship.

Image by Matheus Ferrero

It felt like the GOGL programme was personalised to me.

  • What benefits will I see?
    Changes you may experience: Get Closure on your ex. No pull back to them and no thinking about them, as you move forwards in life. Feel a powerful and increased awareness of your own needs and a desire to meet them. Feel a less desperate need to be loved by someone, and more of a realisation that you can add this to your life when you want to and it is right. Stop attacks on yourself (less criticism, self blame, regret, guilt, shame...) Notice yourself being less rescuing of others, unless you choose to be! Start feeling like a survivor not a victim : a person who is empowered and free. Generate a real sense of why you are valuable, and feel it daily! Build a desire to carry on working on yourself as you feel the effect and want more of it! These all become constants and you grow trust in yourself.. and eventually with a new lover. This is the completed journey of getting love - to source it from yourself and then to share it to others.
  • Why does the programme take so long?
    True change, in terms of recovery and growth - is slow for humans. For many of us, our past abusive experiences were not short. Recovery from such an experience is not short either, it takes time. The GOGL programme can take anywhere from 6 months to a lifetime to complete - for most of us the journey to self-love is lifelong and requires us retaking parts of it over again as we meet new challenges. That said, we can experience many positive gains as we progress. It is a journey of discovery and change - the journey is truly as valuable as the destination. This is why the course is delivered slowly and made flexible in its order as you unlock it - so you can take as long as you need to and come back as often as you'd like.
  • Why do I need to do it in the structured way?
    GOGL is a journey that is designed based on known Psychological principles. It supports trauma recovery, addiction (trauma bonding), emotional regulation, emotional management, self-compassion and closure through to self-worth development. It is informed by models of therapy including cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), compassionate mind, mindfulness, narrative therapy and addiction recovery models. For all of this to feel impactful, a journey was created that brings what you need (from each theory or model) to you, as you need it. It is important to realise - the journey feels like 1 direction, but we encourage you to go back as many times as you need. The lessons become a resource / toolkit for you to return to as often as you'd like.
  • How is this different to going to a counsellor or therapist?
    For some people, a therapist is definitely what you need. Especially if you have suffered severe trauma, feel suicidal and/or are struggling to engage in any type of recovery approach. For many others, therapy does not feel right or is just not available. You might not be severe enough in need to access therapy, you might not want to wait many months to get therapy and/or you may not be able to afford private therapy. GOGL is not an alternative to therapy, it is an alternative option for people who choose not to have therapy or don't need it - but do need something. It is informed by the same approaches used by therapists - designed by a Clinical Psychologist. But does not have a person listening, supporting and challenging you. It does have different aspects though - it is private, flexible, easy to fit into life, taken at your own pace and very affordable. If you are unsure and feel worried, speak to a professional - see our signposting page in the resource link at the top of our page. GOGL can be used alongside therapy, if you discuss it with your therapist and they agree.
  • What if I don’t want to do the full programme, can I get refund?
    Everyone has a 30 day money back guarantee available. After which, we have designed the programme to take 6 to 12 months or beyond. It is important to recognise that we expect you to take a while and we expect you to dip in and out. Sometimes it will feel helpful and other times it may feel hard, and you may need a break. Your access will stay open without restriction - and we know many people dip in and out of support, as their needs come and go. The programme is not refundable after 30 days, as we are encouraging long-term use - which we know is most effective.
  • Why are you different to any other self-help programme?
    GOGL is different in its approach and scale. The experience is akin to an e(self-help)workbook. A journey that is spoken to you by the founder, who talks about the recovery journey as one that you share with him and the others on the GOGL programme. It takes many months to complete and more to maintain, all of this is supported through spoken lessons and exercises designed to support you. In the world of abusive relationship recovery, almost all programmes are short term (12 sessions max) and most are group work. This programme is intentionally designed to fit into your life and to match your speed of recovery. It is huge in scale, being provided as 100s of micro sessions (15 mins or less) that support gradual but meaningful change. It is also the only digital recovery programme (for the full journey) available.
  • What if I’m seeing a counsellor or therapist?
    Talk to your counsellor or therapist about GOGL. Some recommend it as a programme to enter after your therapy has ended and others are open to exploring it during therapy. Take the advice of your therapist.
  • I’m taking medication, is it OK to do this programme?
    Talk to your prescriber (GP / Psychiatrist) if you have this concern. GOGL is not an alternative to medical care and if you are receiving medical help for your mental health, it is best to discuss the programme with it. GOGL will address big issues in your past life and some may find that they are not ready for this or need more support to face it. There is no rush, GOGL will be here when you are ready.
  • I don’t want anyone to know that I have issues, how do I do the programme in secret?
    GOGL is delivered in short sessions (typically 15 mins or less) You may be able to use a computer at work or a local library to access GOGL, during breaks or short trips. Remember to be careful on your own device if there is risk of being discovered. If this risk exists, consider contacting one of the services listed here.
  • I’m worried about a friend, can I tell them about this programme?
    We hear this a lot - and we've also known GOGL to be gifted to friends or loved ones. Gently point them to our site and suggest it may be useful. Please be sure to do this safely if your friend is in a situation where looking at our site would be a risk to them. Perhaps show them via your device, from a safe location.
  • I don’t think I can afford to do this programme, is there a way to get it free or subsidised?
    It is our deepest desire to keep the door open to those in most need: We have reduced by 66% per year, to those who need financial support (paid as a low monthly fee). Go to the Sign Up page and click the link above the programme options, to apply. At the moment, we are not able to make it free due to our own costs - but it is our hope to reduce this price even further as time goes on.
  • Most of the resources I've seen are for women, is this programme suitable for men or other sexes?
    GOGL was designed for all sexes, sexualities, ages and cultures. The programme works on what is common across mixed groups - the needs we share to understand the past, to feel in control and to get freedom and love. It is delivered in a way that embraces this shared journey and feels open and inviting to all.
  • How do I end my subscription and/or leave GOGL completely?
    We've provided a how to guide here.

"Thank you for giving me the knowledge to forgive myself, understand my situation and stay away..."


(more testimonials)

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